It is such an honour to have you here on my website exploring my work and the ways in which I may possibly support you in your healing. First, please allow me to introduce myself so we may get better acquainted.
I am Tumelo Moreri, an Initiated Spiritual Healer & Womb Medicine Woman based in Botswana. Through my work, I help mostly women leaders to heal their core inner wounds and/or their core inner womb pains, and get to experience joy, pleasure, confidence & freedom in their bodies, lives & leadership.
I truly is an honour to have you here.
As a Healer, I’m most excited to support women leaders & changemakers in becoming the best leaders & humans they can be (by doing their most needed personal healing work), and in making the impact they most desire for their communities, and in their efforts to create & build the world we most want for our collective human race.
Sitting at the intersection of leadership & psychospiritual healing, my work is anchored within my training in leadership & integrative coaching, and in alternative mentorship and training in African Spirituality, Womb Healing, Quantum Healing, Ancestral & Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Womb Wisdom, Sacral Body Healing, Pleasure & Intimacy Work and Sacred Sexuality.
Through my healing practice, I offer once-off healing immersions & a Private Healing Program for women seeking to heal and bring about deep transformation in their lives and leadership. I also offer consultancy work for leadership teams & organizations, with an interest in psychospiritual healing and/or womb medicine for leaders.