The intention of today’s exercise & work is to establish and get clear on what you’d like to FEEL, BE and EXPERIENCE in your life and in your upcoming new season. And, this is the beginning of the Energetic Work I spoke about in the previous post.
We’re specifically wanting to explore these three elements because; quite often, beneath most of the goals we set or aspire to, there lies an emotion or state of being/ feeling that we associate with the object of our desire and that we believe we’ll get to experience once we’ve realised our goal.
For example:
- We might want to make more money (or be seen to be making the money) because deep down we believe this will make us feel more worthy, loved, important and abundant.
- We might want to lose weight because we believe we’ll feel confident, beautiful, sexy, lighter, and be healthy once we’ve realised this goal.
- And, we might want to get the boyfriend or girlfriend because we believe being with them will make us feel loved; seen and heard in our truth; and, supported in our life pursuits.
Each of the reasons above forms the WHY behind any goal or aspiration you might set for yourself. And, this here is what we want to work with. We want to work with the reason that sits beneath a particular desire or goal you might have. This is how we answer the question of how you want to feel, be or experience life.
The intention of this exercise and its process is to go straight to the state of BEING/ FEELING that you desire, by creating within you and within your life the emotions you desire to feel (even without the object of your desire), which has the potential to exponentially expand your possibilities of creation.
The Intention Setting Process:In alignment with the energy of the previous post, we’re going to start by first setting sacred space for this intention setting exercise. Please set aside some quiet time and space for this activity so you may deeply connect with yourself and the desires you hold for the season ahead.
At this stage of these 4-day process, you need not focus on the specific goals you aspire for (although you might already know these), because quite often, what most matters to us is how we will feel in our lives, and I believe you already know this.
Examples of FEEL words:
Felling: Calm. Anchored. Supported. Loved. Seen and Heard. Fulfilled. Nourished. Orgasmic. Connected. Rooted. Abundant. Held. Aligned. etc.
Setting Sacred Space
Find a quiet place where you will relax in the moment; this could be at an altar you have created in your home or any other spot comfortable for connecting with your inner self. If you have a meditation cushion or mat, go ahead and use it. If you would like to light a candle, light some incense and add a vessel of water to the ritual, please go ahead and do so. Choose whatever sitting position is comfortable for you. I usually sit cross-legged on the floor on my meditation mat with my open palms resting on my laps.
1st: Read the 3 prompts below;
2nd: Please close your eyes, then take 3 very deep breaths; breathing in through your nose and exhaling through an open month;
3rd: Begin the process as guided.
Journeying into your desires
- Reflect or return to your response and thoughts from yesterday’s activity about what you’re proud of from the past season, the mistakes you made and their lessons, and what you’re willing to let go of.
- Then, like a bird flying over a landscape, fly over your coming new season (the next 12 months), deeply scanning all its activities and moments.
- Then internally ask yourself: How can I make this my most fulfilling season yet? (Feel free to insert other life-affirming adjectives at “fulfilling”, such as expansive, nourishing etc.)
- Ask: How would I like to FEEL?
- Ask: How would I like to BE?
- Ask: How would I like to EXPERIENCE the year ahead?
Then sit still and quietly, and listen to the voice of your intuition from within.
Finally; go further into the parts of how you would like to BE and EXPERIENCE life. Ask yourself again how these states and experiences would make you feel.
For example:
- You might want to BE very intentional and involved in your life’s process and life’s work because you want to FEEL grounded in yourself and in your life.
- You might want to EXPERIENCE active listening of your Spirit Guides because you know this will make you FEEL held, supported and not alone in your life.
So, through all three elements, the FEELING is what we want to get to.
As a further example, some of the nudges I’ve previously got from my intuition (around how I’d like to feel, be and experience life) were;
- I would like to LISTEN, to God-energy, my Ancestors, my Spirit Guides, and my Intuition.
- I would like to be/ feel connected to Source-energy and those around me, through daily meditation, readings, journaling, healing and writing.
- I would like to be very intentional and involved in my life’s process and life’s work.
- I would like ALIGNMENT. I would like to listen to my body; speak and embody my truth; courageously speak and live my truth.
- I would like to LISTEN, to God-energy, my Ancestors, my Spirit Guides, and my Intuition.
For the first & fifth desires above; I wanted to feel deeply connected to God and my Guardians. For the third desire; I wanted to feel deeply grounded and focuses in my life and my spirituality. And, for the fourth desire; I wanted to feel in alignment across all of my life; I also wanted to feel deeply connected to my body and IN my body; and, I also wanted to feel empowered and in integrity through the living and speaking of my truth.
These 5 intentions, exactly as I have shared them here, were my intentions for the year 2019. And, I had manifested all of them by April 2019. And, alignment and listening to Spirit ended up being the themes for my year.
Sacred Writing
Once satisfied with your inner journeying, please open your eyes and write down your thoughts and responses to the 3 prompts on your journal or note pad. Save these responses for the conclusion part of this series tomorrow.
And, should you wish to chat about what comes up for you, don’t hesitate to drop me an email at
I look forward to journeying with you again tomorrow, through Part 3 of this exercise.