Manifesting your intentions in the moment of NOW

In exploring and journeying with our desires, we often look outside ourselves for other people or events to fulfill or make happen our desires for us. We often delegate the making of our dream lives and look outside ourselves for the job, event or person (boyfriend/girlfriend, employer, sibling etc) that we think will make us feel the ways we want to feel in our lives.

We also often think we should wait for these people or events to arrive in our lives before we can start feeling or being the ways we desire to feel or be in our lives, not realizing that this is available to us right now.

For a long time, I envied married people so much because I thought they had a more valid reason to exercise a boundary I wanted for my life of not being called after 7pm. I don’t take calls after 7pm because I’ve decided that’s time I want to invest in cultivating deeper relationships with my loved ones and my work. I thought; if people knew I had a husband, they would not call me after 7pm. And then one day, it dawned on me that I didn’t have to wait for marriage, and that the possibility of exercising this boundary had always been available to me.

The delegation of our dream lives (to other people and events) only has the effect of delaying the manifestation of our dreams and also leaves us feeling powerless in the creation of our dream lives.

It is time we remembered just how powerful we are.

So, in the next step of our 4-part process of setting intentions for the coming new season, I invite you to tap into the power that already resides within you and begin to manifest your desires today.

Please revisit and reflect on the intentions you noted in your journal from the previous exercise. These intentions should speak to how you would like to feel, be and experience your life.

Reflect on these intentions and ask:

    1. How can I give this to myself right now?
    2. How can I create this experience for myself right now? In this lived moment of NOW.
    3. What activities could I incorporate into my day-to-day life to ensure that I have this experience?

Let’s work with the examples from the past two exercise of wanting to:

      • Feel worthy, loved and supported
      • Feel seen and heard in your truth
      • Feel/be more confident, sexy and beautiful

Remember we might have initially thought we could only experience these once we had started making more money, found a boyfriend/ girlfriend, or lost weight?

I now invite you to explore within yourself the ways in which you could start to feel in these ways RIGHT NOW.

      • In what areas of your life do you not feel worthy? What is it you believe you are not deserving of? What is the story you’ve bought into about why you are not worthy of this thing? What are some of what you were told about this thing growing up? And, what new story or belief about your sense of worthiness would you like to start cultivating around this specific thing?
      • How could you start to make yourself feel confident, sexy and beautiful today? What could you start doing today that will make you feel confident and beautiful? In what new ways could you start to relate with your body, your mind and your spirit in ways that make you feel sexy and beautiful?
      • In what ways could you grant yourself the desire of being seen and heard in your truth? What sort of spaces do you need to be in? In what ways could you speak to yourself and care for yourself that will get you feeling loved and seen, first by yourself?

The intention here is for us to realize that the things we desire are available to us right now. And, my invitation is for you to explore how you could arrive at these desires right now.

Another example, from my own intentions for the year:

      • One of my intentions is to “Closely consult and LISTEN to Spirit in all of my work and life”.
      • The desired experience here is of being connected to Spirit at all times.
      • The desired feeling is of being supported, nurtured and anchored by and within Spirit.
      • This is also a desired experience of hearing the guidance of Spirit at all times.
      • The question I then ask is; how can I grant myself this experience/ feeling right now? Today.
      • The desire of being connected to Spirit means I must begin my day with a morning meditation or prayer and tune into the ways I feel called to serve that day.
      • This also means that; as I go about my work during the day, I must tune into my body and feel for any resistance towards some of my ideas, and feel through for any limiting beliefs that might surface and that may require healing.
      • And, all of this has to begin today. If I am arriving at these realizations at 3pm, then it means I must get to it tonight.

Now, please go work out how you could grant yourself your desired experiences in this life moment of now. And, then drop me a comment below or a message at to share what has come up for you and the ways in which I could possibly help in supporting you in your journey.

Sending loads of love,
