A Podcast on Psycho-spiritual Healing, Womb Medicine & Leadership. Hosted by Tumelo Moreri.
This podcast is for the modern-day leader on her path of healing and of ascending to New Earth Leadership – a leadership that will facilitate the birthing and emergence of the new earth we desire for our collective human race.
Bringing together themes of psycho-spiritual healing, womb medicine and leadership, this podcast seeks to support leaders who are committed to healing their personal and inner lives in bringing about the lasting and sustainable changes they desire for their lives and leadership, and on the path of embodying and manifesting the changes and impact we desire for our external world.
This podcast unfolds at a time when we’re moving through monumental change and evolution in our world, where the leaders of our world are also being called upon to embody the changes we desire to see in the collective. In the New Earth, we are called to become (from the inside out) the leaders and the leadership we say we want. And this podcast serves as a resource for one heeding that call.
Hello! I am Tumelo Moreri, a Psycho-Spiritual Healer, Womb Medicine Woman & Embodied Leadership Guide based in Botswana. Through my work, I help mostly women leaders to heal their core inner wounds and/or their core inner womb pains, and get to experience joy, pleasure, confidence & freedom in their bodies, lives & leadership.
I’m most excited to support leaders & changemakers in becoming the best leaders & humans they can be (by doing their most needed personal healing work), and in making the impact they most desire for their communities, and in their efforts to create & build the world we most want for our collective human race.
Sitting at the intersection of leadership & psychospiritual healing, my work is anchored within my training in leadership & integrative coaching, and in alternative mentorship and training in African Spirituality, Womb Healing, Quantum Healing, Ancestral & Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Womb Wisdom, Sacral Body Healing, Pleasure & Intimacy Work and Sacred Sexuality.
Through my healing practice, I offer once-off healing immersions & a Private Healing Program for women seeking to heal and bring about deep transformation in their lives and leadership. I also offer consultancy work for leadership teams & organizations, with an interest in psycho-spiritual healing and/or womb medicine for leaders. I also run a podcast, The Tumelo Moreri Podcast, which you may listen to for a deeper exploration of my work and offering for you who are ready to step Into your spiritual healing journey.