This private healing program is for women seeking to deeply heal their core inner womb pains, so they may get to experience joy, pleasure, confidence & freedom in their bodies & lives.
The program is also for the woman leader, healer or change-maker who’s looking to heal her core inner wounds, so she may become more grounded in her life and leadership, and get to experience joy, pleasure, confidence & freedom in the unfolding of her life and in how she shows up & experiences her leadership.
This program is as thus a 2-track program, for one who wants to work closely with me in bringing about deep transformation and healing for either her inner womb wounds or the pains she experiences in her life and leadership. You can choose to either focus solely on womb medicine work as a woman, or we can deeply dive into the psycho-spiritual healing of your life as a leader.
Through this program, you also get the option to work with me for either 4 months, 6 months, or 12 months. The difference between these options is the amount & depth of work we’ll get to cover together and the investment amount for each path.
Should this resonate with you, please read on further below to learn what our work together would entail, and about the medicine that awaits you within the program.
This work is specifically for women leaders, healers or coaches who are seeking to do the work of deeply healing their core inner womb wounds & pains. As a woman, this work is for you if you might be experiencing the following in your body & life, and wanting to heal:
- Sexual trauma
- Miscarriage or abortion or stillbirths
- The loss of an infant child
- Struggling to conceive
- Severe menstrual cramping
- Abdominal pain
- Inconsistent/ irregular menstrual periods
- Missing/ absent menstrual periods
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Pain or bleeding during sexual intercourse
- Excessive shame around your body
- Issues in intimacy and/or your sexual life.
We step into this work with the appreciation that what often manifests as womb pain often has a much deeper underlying source or origin. We also bring into this work the appreciation that what you experience as pain within your womb or around matters of your womb (e.g. sexual trauma, miscarriage, abortion, the loss of an infant child etc.) might have a much deeper impact for various areas of your body & life, and that required a holistic healing framework that speaks to emotional, psychological, physical/ somatic/ energetic, and spiritual aspects of your being and life experience.
In this work, we will therefore with these four aspects of your being and of your life. We specifically want to dive into your Emotional Body and unpack, release & alchemise the emotions held in your body that might be informing your pain, or that might be sitting in your body as a result of the pain you’ve ensured. We also want to do some Psychological Healing work to explore and transmute the wounded stories, stories and vows that might be informing your pain, or that might have formed as a result of your painful experience.
And, where possible & needed we will also engage in the physical & energetic to help in clear any dense energy that might be held within your physical body & energetic field and that might be informing your pain or resulting from your pain. And, the spiritual healing part of our work will help in facilitating the much needed healing work for the pain & trauma that might be flowing from or held within your lineage & the various experiences of your Soul.
This work is specifically for women leaders, healers & coaches looking to do the spiritual healing work that will help them in becoming more grounded & embodied in their leadership.
Given that such work of becoming more grounded & embodied in your leadership is the work of your body, we will be working quite significantly with your body and thus delving into both Womb Medicine & Leadership Alchemy work. As a woman, this work is for you if you might be experiencing the following in your body, life & leadership:
- Any forms of womb pain as outlined in the section above (of Womb Medicine for Women Leaders)
- Overwhelm in your life, work & leadership
- Anxiety in your work & life
- Exhaustion/ burnout/ fatigue/ overworking
- Feeling depleted
- Taking care of everyone else but yourself
- Having very little to no support in your life, work & leadership
- Impostor Syndrome & self-doubt / not trusting you have what it takes / not trusting in your voice and genius
- Being afraid of success
- Being afraid of the loneliness that might be associated with success
- Lack of intimacy in your life
- Lack of pleasure in your life (i.e. being all about work, and no play)
- Being disconnected from your body / grinding at the expense of your body
- Being disconnected from your loved ones & the things you love.
We will begin our work by exploring and healing some of your inner wounding related to your childhood experiences and that might impact your life as it currently unfolds and finds expression. The intention of this part of our work is for you to begin to build a relationship with your Inner Child and Inner Teen, and only consent to experiences and ways of doing life that are also incorporating of their needs and safety. We’ll also explore some of the wounding sustained by your Inner Child and Inner Teen that might have resulted in the pain you currently experience in your life.
In this part of our work, we will explore and heal some of your inner wounding related to experiences within your teenage/ adolescence years and that might impact your life as it currently unfolds. The intention is for you to also begin to build a relationship with your Inner Teen, and being mindful of how the experiences you had in those years inform where you currently are.
In this part of our work, we will explore your relationship (or lack thereof) with your mother, and any pain you might hold as a result of this relationship or flowing from the dynamics of this relationship. We also want to specifically look into the ways that any wounding sustained here might influence the current trajectory of your life, and also hols space for the healing and transmutation of the pain held here.
In this part of our work, we will deeply explore and heal any wounding and pain sitting in your body and resulting from your relationship (or lack thereof) with your father. We will also seek to heal pains resulting from childhood experiences with your father and those that might have been inherited down your paternal bloodline and that inform your current life experiences and how you currently show up for your life.
With the awareness that; a lot of the wounds and pains manifesting in our lives and wombs have been inherited through our bloodlines, we want to dig deep to find the origins of some of your pain bodies and heal these at that level. And, in the case of womb medicine work, we also do this work with the awareness any experience happening around your womb isn’t just a mere coincidence or accident or a ‘nothing’. We therefore want to do the thorough excavation work of establishing what the matter might be, in your family lineage, and addressing that matter so that it may also end the suffering endured by you and others in your lineage.
In this part of the work, we’ll begin to build an inner foundational core that will enable you to step into a conscious relationship with your body; a relationship that will enable you to heal your core wounds as a woman and support you in birthing, building and sustaining a life of your desires. At this stage of the work, you will be introduced to sacred wisdom and practices to incorporate into your daily life with the intention of supporting your body in her healing, and in building an inner ecology that will enable her to thrive.
In this part of the work, we’ll begin to build an inner foundational core that will enable you to step into a conscious relationship with your womb; a relationship that will enable you to heal your core wounds as a woman and support you in birthing, building and sustaining a life of your desires. At this stage of the work, you will be introduced to sacred wisdom and practices to incorporate into your daily life with the intention of supporting your womb in her healing, and in building an inner ecology that will enable her to thrive.
As a center for Intimacy and Pleasure, any wounding that happens to your womb impacts these areas in your life, and any wounding that happens through these areas impacts your womb health. And, in this part of the work, we’ll deeply explore and heal any wounding that might have occurred in your life and thus impacted your experiences of inner and outer intimacy and pleasure. We’ll also explore and heal any wounded patterns of intimacy and pleasure inherited down your family line and that might have resulted in wounding for your womb.
As a center that receives, some of the wounding and pain carried by your womb might be as a result of programming and conditioning around your sexuality. The pain might also be as a result of traumatic experiences to your woman body or unconscious practices and encounters around your own sexuality. And, in this part of the work, we’ll deeply explore and heal wounding related to your experiences and expressions of your sexuality and build an inner foundational core for your sacred sexuality to begin to emerge and support the wellbeing of your womb and life.
Throughout our work together, as we engage in inner clearings and healings, we will also be activating your inner womb medicine, so that she may flow into your life and support the healing of your womb and body and the building of a life lush and flowing from the inner core of your woman being and spirit.
Throughout our work together, as we engage in inner clearings and healings, we will also be deeply exploring how you show up in your leadership and the ways in which this might be informed by your own past pain and trauma. We will also hold space for the transmutation of this pain and trauma, and provide support for your own unique leadership blueprint to emerge.
Over the course of our work together, you my expect to be deeply seen & witnessed, to feel heard & listened to, to be streched while being supported, to expand into higher versions of yourself, to be deeply celebrated, to be challenged into your next level growth, to heal, to integrate and to come back home unto yourself.
And, this is some of how we will facilitate this process:
- In a month cycle, we will have 3 weekly sessions per month, followed by a 1 week break for integration.
- Each healing session will be 3-hours long, and we will meet via Zoom.
- In each session, you can expect a deep healing that’ll be supported by inner meditative journeys & journaling prompts.
- I’ll often assign you some homework to complete in the week-period between our healing sessions.
- I’ll also be sharing with you workbooks to further support you in your healing journey.
- You will also have a recorded meditation to support you with this work in between our Zoom sessions.
- In between sessions, you will have some extended support from me via email & WhatsApp.
- And, at your request, you will have the option of a recording of our sessions, with the recording being shared with you within 24-hours of our session.
Weekly Clearings & Healings:
- In each weekly session, I will lead you through inner healing and clearing techniques that will help heal the pain and unprocessed emotions in your body and womb.
Transformation Coaching & Teachings:
- Lifestyle – Learn of practices to incorporate into your daily life in crafting and maintaining a lifestyle that is in harmony with your natural rhythms, cycles and seasons.
- Herbal Wisdom – Learn of herbs and herbal remedies to support the holistic healing and vitality of your body and womb, and to ease some of your menstrual cycle issues
- Cyclical Wisdom – Map your Inner Seasons and learn how to live in harmony with them; Learn your Cross-Over days, especially into your pre-menstruum and menstrual periods (Inner Autumn & Inner Winter); Learn how to support your body and yourself through the pre-menstruum and menstrual periods; Where possible, sync your work and life with your Inner Seasons for a fulfilling and nourishing journey through your menstruating and child-bearing years.
- Womb Wisdom – Learn how to cultivate a nourishing and healing relationship with your womb; Learn how to access the wisdom and inner knowing of your womb; Learn how to tap into the wisdom and magic of your womb to heal and elevate your life.
- Ancestral Wisdom – Learn the wisdom and knowledge of the Ancients to support your womb health and holistic nourishment.

Hello! I am Tumelo Moreri, an Initiated Spiritual Healer & Womb Medicine Woman based in Botswana. Through my work as a Healer, I help mostly women leaders to heal their core inner wounds and core inner womb pains, so they may get to experience joy, confidence, pleasure & freedom in their bodies, lives, and leadership.
In my work, I’m most excited to support women leaders and changemakers in becoming the best leaders they can be (by doing their most needed inner healing work), and in making the impact they most desire for their communities, and in their efforts to create and build the world we most want for our collective human race.
Sitting at the intersection of leadership and psychospiritual healing, my work is anchored within my training in leadership and integrative coaching, and in alternative mentorship and training in African Spirituality, Womb Healing, Quantum Healing, Ancestral & Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Womb Wisdom, Sacral Body Wisdom, Pleasure & Intimacy Work and Sacred Sexuality.
Through my healing practice, I offer once-off healing immersions and a Private Healing Program for women seeking to heal and bring about deep transformation in their lives and leadership. I also offer consultancy & facilitation work for leadership teams & organizations, with an interest in psychospiritual healing for leaders & womb medicine for leaders.
Yes, it is for the woman who is absolutely ready to heal and transform her womb and relationship with her pain-bodies. You must be done with being committed to suffering and you must be committed to healing your inner self.
No, this healing immersion will be done online. Spirit is everywhere and so I am still able to hold healing space over the internet.
Our 1:1 sessions will happen in a private video platform on a specific day and time that will be shared and agreed upon with you. You have to commit to attending our calls as scheduled and agreed upon, to support the integrity of our container and so you may gain the most from our time and work together.
Yes. With this offer, you can work with me for 4 or 6 months. And, the investment for the 4-month offer is US$1333, which can be paid in full as a once-off payment, or in 4, or 6 monthly payments.
You can pay $350 monthly for 3 months.
You can also pay $233 monthly for 6 months.
The investment for the 6-month offer is US$2222, which can be paid in full as a once-off payment, or in 6, or 9 monthly payments.
You can pay $388 monthly for 6 months.
You can also pay $258 monthly for 9 months.
Should you need a more adjusted payment plan, please contact me at hello@tumelomoreri.com
This is an intimate, 1:1 and high-end immersion with very limited spots available, so please apply as soon as it is possible for you. Once I’ve received your application, we’ll begin preparing for your first session.
Yes, this is possible. And, you may book your session here:
Yes, this is possible. We can extend these 6 months to make it a 9-months or 12-months period of working together. Should this be something you desire, please drop me an email at hello@tumelomoreri.com indicating your desire for this extended time together, and we’ll make the arrangements.
Should you have any other questions I might have not covered here, please feel free to reach out to me via email at hello@tumelomoreri.com