Over the next coming 4 days, I will guide you in a process of:
- Honouring and reflecting on your just ended season;
- Setting Soulful Intentions for your new season;
- Doing the Energetic work around your intentions and learning to give to yourself what you most desire; and,
- Laying down a plan of action for the next 3 months.
Today we’re going to be reflecting on and honouring the experience of your past season. For the purposes of this work, we’ll work with a period of 12 months / 1 year. And please know that you can extend this to any length of time, such as 3 months of 10 years etc.
Reflecting on & Honouring your past year.
The process of reflecting on your past is such a crucial step for any healing and creation process because it allows you the opportunity to fully identify, acknowledge and clear out any debris that might still be hanging around your life & energetic field and that might be making it difficult for the life you most desire to find space and a home within you.
And so, before we set intentions for your new year, it is prudent to first reflect on your past year; identifying & fully taking in its celebrations, drawing forth its lessons, and cleansing & releasing any of its loses and pains. By doing this, we begin to create within you a renewed and fertile ground for your new intentions to take root & emerge.
To guide you in this process, I’ll share 3 prompts below for you to deeply reflect on and write out on your journal. Please set aside some quiet time where you will think about and write down your thoughts and responses to these prompts. This process might require about 30 – 45 minutes, depending on how much come forth for you.
The Reflection & Honouring Process:
Find a quiet place where you will relax into the moment; this could be at an altar in your sleeping quarters or in any part of your house. If you have a meditation cushion, please go ahead and use it. If you’d like to; light a candle and invite God and/or your Guardians into the process. Choose whatever sitting position is most comfortable for you and dive into the prompts below. I usually sit cross-legged on my meditation mat.
1st: Read the 3 prompts below;
2nd: Close your eyes & take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose & exhaling through a slightly open mouth;
3rd: Begin the reflection process as guided.
Dig deep into your past year:
I ask that you journey back and along the past year. With your eyes closed, and as though you are a bird flying over a landscape, see the events of the past year through your mind’s eye. Go back into the year and see/ witness the following.
- What did you do, create or experience in the past year that you’re really proud of? (this might also include awesome people you met!)
- What mistakes did you make in the past season that taught you something? What were the mistakes, and what did you learn?
- What are you willing to let go of, as you step into your new year?
Allow yourself to tune into your intuitive self as you journey with these questions. Allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom within you and maintain an awareness of what surfaces as you meditate on these questions.
Once satisfied with your reflective process, please grab your journal or note pad and write down your thoughts and responses to the 3 prompts above. Save these responses for more of the exercise over the next the days. And, should you wish to chat about what comes up for you, don’t hesitate to drop me email at hello@tumelomoreri.com
You may now proceed to Part 2 of this exercise, preferably tomorrow.