This series on “Psycho-spiritual Healing for Women Leaders” is a 12-part podcast series whose intention is to deeply explore and unpack the forms of psycho-spiritual healing needed & available for women who are committed to healing their personal & inner lives, as a radical act of leadership in their lives, and within the bigger mission of facilitating the birthing & emergence of a new earth leadership for our world.
Bringing together themes of leadership, womb medicine & psycho-spiritual healing, this series seeks to:
- Invite you into self-leadership on your path of healing & into a new earth leadership that will facilitate the birthing of the new worlds we say we want for our collective human race.
- Explore how our healing as women leaders is what will help us create the new worlds we say we want; in our personal lives, in our families/ lineages; and in the world around us.
- To explore how the healing of our wombs & bodies as women is what will enable us to create new pathways of life for these new worlds & and new elevated ways of being to emerge at a personal & collective level.
- To explore what this healing might look like, what needs to be healed, and how you can access that healing.
This series & work is therefore for you who feels called to leadership, in your life:
The Self-leader & Self-healer (committed to healing your life so you may bring about the changes & transformation you desire); the Legacy Weaver (committed to healing your life so you may birth new ways of being & doing life for women in your lineage) and the Changemaker (committed to healing your life so you may bring about sustainable & lasting change in your community or area of work). This work is especially for you who feels called to New Earth Leadership – committed to transmuting, healing & integrating your own personal pain & trauma within the bigger mission of anchoring into our world the changes we want to see.
It’s an absolute honour to have you here for this series whose intention is to share this wisdom with you and to also support you in your journey of healing as you step into a New Earth Leadership within your own personal life and within the various spaces where you’re active in broader society. I’m deeply looking forward to journeying with you, and to who we will become as a result of this work.
This series will comprise 12 podcast episodes, at the least, and will also be supported by workbooks, blog articles and possibly a meditation to take you more deeply into this work. I’ll be sharing updates of these resources as they are released mainly via email, and you may sign-up for my email newsletter below to receive these updates in your mailbox.
In this series, we’ll explore the invitations and opportunities you hold as a woman & a woman leader to heal your personal and inner life, in your role as a frontrunner in the creation process of the world we most desire for our collective human race. We’ll also explore various tools, techniques & my own healing offers available to support you in your journey of personal healing, and that can facilitate a birthing of these new worlds within you so they may begin to manifest/ be born in the world around us.
First, we’ll explore the healing you’re invited into just as a human being who might hold some degree of pain and trauma, as a result of having been born and experienced life in our world that’s founded on patriarchal values and systems. We’ll then expand this by unpacking the ways in which such pain and trauma, if not healed and integrated, can seep into your creations & leadership, with the unintended consequence of such being a practice of leadership that recreates world systems we say we don’t want.
This teaching flows from an appreciation that; we create the world as we are. And thus, if our pain and trauma remain unattended to, we inevitably birth ideas, projects, organizations, a leadership, and a world that’s deeply anchored in the residue and imprint of such past pain and trauma. The invitation here is to heal the imprint of conditioning, pain, and trauma, especially from our upbringing in a patriarchal society so we may begin to build a world free of subconscious patriarchal beliefs and thought forms.
If we are to sustainably create the world we want, we must heed the invitation to combine our external leadership with the very critical work of creating new worlds within ourselves, a process which will enable us the much-needed internal resources and capacity to give birth to these new worlds on the external. And such a process of ‘creating new worlds within’ can be achieving by healing and transmuting your own personal pain and trauma.
The bodies & wombs of women as sites of trauma in a patriarchal world.
In this series, we’ll also explore patriarchy as a consciousness that lives and permeates all facets of our world and being, and that we as women & women leaders are not removed or exempted from. We specifically want to explore: the ways in which our world’s patriarchal conditioning might’ve affected you as an individual; the wounding that might’ve been sustained by your body & womb; how such patriarchal conditioning might’ve impacted your relationship with your body & womb, as strategically targeted sites for trauma by the patriarchy, and as the sacred spaces from which our worlds, creations & leadership are born.
Our wombs as creation portals for our leadership & the world we want.
Everything that we create and manifest in the world is born from the creation portal that is our womb. And, as frontrunners in creating a world based on evolved and elevated values, we especially also want to gain an appreciation of the ways in which the traumatic nature of our patriarchal world may wound, corrupt, or compromise these sacred creation portals, with its many systems and ways of being, and with the potential unintended consequence of having patriarchal beliefs and thought forms being embedded in all that we seek to create and build.
Psycho-spiritual healing & womb medicine as radical reclamation of the feminine principle & an integrated new earth leadership.
Podcast Episodes
A Meditation
Blog Articles
This Series is for women who identify as:
- Self-leaders & Self-healers; committed to healing their lives so they may bring about the changes & transformation they desire for their lives.
- Legacy Weavers; committed to healing their lives so they may create new pathways of being & doing life for the women in their lineage.
- Changemakers; the founders, social entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, artists, who are committed to healing their lives so they may bring about sustainable & long lasting change in their communities or areas of work.
- This work is especially for you who feels called to New Earth Leadership, and is committed to transmuting, healing & integrating your own personal pain & trauma within the bigger mission of anchoring into our world the changes we want to see.
Hello! I am Tumelo Moreri, an Initiated Spiritual Healer, Womb Medicine Woman & Embodied Leadership Guide based in Botswana. Through my work, I help mostly women leaders to heal their core inner wounds and/or their core inner womb pains, and get to experience joy, pleasure, confidence & freedom in their bodies, lives & leadership.
I’m most excited to support leaders & changemakers in becoming the best leaders & humans they can be (by doing their most needed personal healing work), and in making the impact they most desire for their communities, and in their efforts to create & build the world we most want for our collective human race.
Sitting at the intersection of leadership & psychospiritual healing, my work is anchored within my training in leadership & integrative coaching, and in alternative mentorship and training in African Spirituality, Womb Healing, Quantum Healing, Ancestral & Cosmic Wisdom, Cosmic Womb Wisdom, Sacral Body Healing, Pleasure & Intimacy Work and Sacred Sexuality.
Through my healing practice, I offer once-off healing immersions & a Private Healing Program for women seeking to heal and bring about deep transformation in their lives and leadership. I also offer consultancy work for leadership teams & organizations, with an interest in psycho-spiritual healing and/or womb medicine for leaders. I also run a podcast, The Tumelo Moreri Podcast, which you may listen to for a deeper exploration of my work and offering for you who are ready to step Into your spiritual healing journey.